What is Drip-N-Hold?

Drip-N-Hold is a curated SIP for those looking to invest in the equity markets. It leverages the power of systematic investing and couples it with the wisdom of selective buying

Who may benefit from Drip-N-Hold?

Investors that comfortable with direct equity investing with a medium to long term investment horizon

This is Right for Investors that

This is Not for
Investors that

How can Richify help?

Richify does the heavy lifting in terms of research & analysis leading to monthly stock basket recommendations.

The Richify Way

The "Richify Way" encapsulates an intimate understanding of each client's unique journey, a nuanced approach to risk, and a deep appreciation for the human aspects of investing.

Tailored Financial Blueprints

We emphasize a bespoke approach, crafting personalized investment strategies that resonate with each client's financial aspirations and stage-of-life.

Balancing Risk &

We meticulously assess and manage this dynamic balance, ensuring our clients are positioned to achieve optimal returns.


At Richify, we believe success isn't just about intelligence—it's about understanding behavior. We equip clients to discern their own biases and the market's, ensuring that wise decisions drive returns, not just intellect.

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Still weighing your options? We understand that investment decisions are crucial and often demand deeper insights. If you have questions or wish to delve into the nuances of our investment products, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with our expert advisors.

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What is Drip-N-Hold?

Drip-N-Hold is a curated SIP for those looking to invest in the equity markets. It leverages the power of systematic investing and couples it with the wisdom of selective buying

Who may benefit from Drip-N-Hold?

Investors that comfortable with direct equity investing with a medium to long term investment horizon

This is Right for Investors that

This is Not for
Investors that

How can Richify help?

Richify does the heavy lifting in terms of research & analysis leading to monthly stock basket recommendations.

The Richify Way

The "Richify Way" encapsulates an intimate understanding of each client's unique journey, a nuanced approach to risk, and a deep appreciation for the human aspects of investing.

Tailored Financial Blueprints

We emphasize a bespoke approach, crafting personalized investment strategies that resonate with each client's financial aspirations and stage-of-life.

Balancing Risk &

We meticulously assess and manage this dynamic balance, ensuring our clients are positioned to achieve optimal returns.


At Richify, we believe success isn't just about intelligence—it's about understanding behavior. We equip clients to discern their own biases and the market's, ensuring that wise decisions drive returns, not just intellect.

Book an appointment.

Still weighing your options? We understand that investment decisions are crucial and often demand deeper insights. If you have questions or wish to delve into the nuances of our investment products, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with our expert advisors.

Get Started

Ready to begin your financial journey with Richify? Click 'Get Started' to onboard with a focus on informed investment decisions.


Drip-N-Hold is a curated systematic investment plan (SIP) for those looking to invest in the equity market over a long-term horizon (5 to 7 years). Rooted in the wisdom of investing legends, Drip-N-Hold is built on the belief that the market often misprices quality stocks, offering discerning investors an opportunity.

Unlike traditional SIPs into mutual funds that involve buying a broad basket of stocks regardless of their pricing, Drip-N-Hold follows a more nuanced approach. We select stocks after extensive research and analysis, focusing on the strength, growth prospects, and governance standards of businesses.

Each month, we curate a compact basket of three to five carefully chosen stocks that not only meet our stringent quality criteria but are also attractively priced at that time. The basket is designed for a monthly investment of Rs. 25,000, but the investment amount is flexible. You can choose to buy 50%, 100%, or even 300% of the basket, based on your personal investment capacity and conviction.

However, we caution against drastic swings in your investment amount. A fluctuation from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 250,000 from one month to the next can disrupt your asset allocation. Steady monthly investments at decided levels work best for this model.

Drip-N-Hold leverages the power of systematic investing and couples it with the wisdom of selective buying. By investing only when the stocks of solid, high-quality businesses are priced attractively, Drip-N-Hold aims to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns over the long term. We aren't fazed if the chosen stocks dip in value - as they are robust companies expected to recover - unless there's significant news altering our initial thesis. This careful, calculated strategy sets Drip-N-Hold apart from your typical mutual fund SIP.


Drip-N-Hold is a strategic, direct equity investment strategy designed for those with a medium to long-term investment horizon, much like the patience and strategic play observed in Test Cricket rather than the frenzy of the last few overs of a T20 match.

If you are comfortable investing in direct equities and can commit to a steady investment over an extended period, Drip-N-Hold is a fit for you. The beauty of this approach lies in its flexibility - you decide the investment amount based on your comfort level. You might start with 50% of the suggested basket value, i.e., Rs. 12,500 per month, or you might want to scale up to Rs. 250,000 or more. The key here is consistency and a commitment to investing this chosen amount over time. You're welcome to increase your investment as your confidence or investible surplus grows.

Since the stocks are held in your own Demat account and the transactions are executed by you, you're not just an investor but an active participant in your wealth creation journey. It's an immersive experience that keeps you engaged with market dynamics under the guidance of a SEBI regulated investment professional. With Drip-N-Hold, you're not just investing, you're learning and growing your wealth, one stock at a time.


Our mission with Drip-N-Hold is to help you harness the combined power of systematic investing and the frequent mispricing of quality stocks. Our approach is rooted in avoiding market timing bets and focusing on steady, disciplined investment.

To facilitate this, we delve into comprehensive stock research, scrutinizing businesses based on their competitive positioning, growth prospects, and financial health. We assemble an inventory of quality stocks, which are then evaluated through our pricing parameters. We take inspiration from Warren Buffet's wisdom, 'Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.' This leads us to a carefully curated list of five stocks each month that we believe offer substantial value at their current prices.

Our role in your Drip-N-Hold journey is to do the 'heavy lifting' when it comes to stock selection. We act as your financial guide, leveraging our expertise to provide you with a selection of stocks each month that fit within the investment strategy. This leaves you to focus on maintaining your disciplined, systematic investment approach, confident in the knowledge that your selections have undergone a rigorous selection process.


RetireRich is a blend of smart financial planning and an understanding of individual life goals, designed for those on the brink of retirement or already savoring it. Guided by the mantra that youth may survive without money but age cannot, we seek to infuse your retirement with financial ease, giving you the freedom to live life to its fullest. We believe in enriching your retirement, not just surviving it.