What We Do

We manage your hard-earned money efficiently, ensuring you sleep peacefully while your investments work tirelessly for you.

Wealth Management

Ensuring your assets are effectively managed and grown, paving the way for your financial security and prosperity.

Equity Advisory

Helping you navigate the world of stocks to make informed investment decisions that align with your financial goals.

Mutual Fund Advisory

Assisting you in selecting the right mix of mutual funds to fit your financial goals and risk tolerance.


Working with you to create a financial strategy that ensures you can enjoy your golden years with peace of mind.

Goal Based Investing

Crafting tailored investment strategies to help you reach your unique life goals, whether it's buying a home, funding education, or planning a dream vacation.

Portfolio Analysis

We leverage advanced analytics to provide insightful, personalized recommendations, on your current holding of stocks and mutual funds.

Financial Planning

Working closely with you to develop a complete financial strategy that aligns with your lifestyle, goals, and future aspirations.

Investment Platform

We offer a user-friendly mobile app and web interface, enabling you to take charge of your financial footprint.


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After decades of diligence, you’ve earned a prosperous retirement. Now, it's our turn to ensure your hard-earned money is meticulously managed and optimized to work for you.


Drip&Hold is a curated SIP for those looking to invest in the equity markets. It leverages the power of systematic investing and couples it with the wisdom of selective buying.


The financial partner that helps you plan, save, and grow funds for college education, be it for your children or your own higher learning, aligning with your financial capacity and future goals.


A strategic compass to guide your financial journey on your terms. Allow us to assist you in crafting an essential document for managing wealth.


We systematically scrutinize your investment spread by size, asset class and the inherent correlation of holdings. You are not diversified if all your MF holdings are carrying the scripts with similar metrics.


An actionable review of your stock holdings based on our understanding of financial markets, industry growth and company specific research. We are independent – and not incentivized to take custody of your investments.


"Nothing has served me better in my long life than continuous learning."

charlie munger

Running N Investing

The New Delhi Marathon (2023) was my first race after the Covid Delta wave. Running the tree-lined roads of Delhi with hundreds of fellow runners, filled me with a sense of déjà vu. The emotions were strong. I distracted myself by trying to math-out the probable finish times of friends that crossed me by on the opposite loop. Soon, I was smiling, thinking of the similarities between the sport and investing.

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Humans Vs Econs

As a confessed Star Trek aficionado, I used to devour episodes late into the night, a delightful respite amid the intense preparations for board exams. A decade later, this late-night ritual provided an instant connection when Nobel laureate Richard Thaler, in a class at the University of Chicago, drew a parallel between economic behaviour and the Star Trek universe.

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