Privacy Policy

The confidentiality of your sensitive personal information is important to us. This privacy policy tells you how DSK Investment Advisors Private Limited (“DSK Investment Advisors”) uses personal information collected by it. Please read this privacy policy before using our website or submitting any sensitive personal information or data. By using our website or upon signing DSK Investment Advisor’s Client Questionnaire/ Online Tools, you are accepting this privacy policy. The privacy policy may be revised from time to time and the updated policy will be posted on our website. You are advised to review the privacy policy whenever you visit this website so that you understand how any personal information you provide may be used.

Collection of Information

DSK Investment Advisors, its officers, employees and agents collect information (which can include sensitive personal information) to assist us in our relationship with you. If you are unable to provide the information we need we may not be able to provide you with the service you have requested. We may also be required by law to collect information. The types of information collected can include:

Distribution of Information

While we will not generally disclose your personal information, we may do so if we are:

Confidentiality and Security

DSK Investment Advisors employees understand the requirement to respect the confidentiality of customers’ non-public personal information and DSK Investment Advisors periodically trains and educates employees in the handling and safeguarding of personal information in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Additionally, DSK Investment Advisors maintains physical, procedural and electronic safeguards in an effort to ensure the security and confidentiality of customer records and to protect the information from access by unauthorized parties. Employees who violate these policies are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Commitment to Information Security.

Your personal information is kept secure. We comply with the relevant security principles set out in the applicable privacy laws of India. We are not bound by privacy laws of any jurisdiction other than India. Only employees of DSK Investment Advisors, its authorised agents and advisors (who have agreed to maintain confidentiality in relation to the information) and market intermediaries and product developers with respect to investments made by you will have access to this information.

Delivery of Privacy Policy

DSK Investment Advisors will provide clients an initial privacy policy notice at the time the relationship is established. Periodically, DSK Investment Advisors may revise the privacy policy and will publish the revised policy on its website.

Contact Information

In case of any complaints / grievances / disputes, please contact our Compliance Officer
Ms. Jasmeen Kochhar
Email: [email protected]
Postal address: 124 Sunder Nagar, New Delhi 110003.
Contact No.: +91 98735 20000

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